Thursday, May 27, 2010


A little note before I start.  I'm sure you have noticed that I have my favorite tools, products, books and brands that I have and will recommend.  Some of these things I am an affiliate for and have made a little bit of money telling you about them.  Some of them I just share because it's what I use I like it and I enjoy sharing good things with others.  Thus the many, many recipes I have posted just for the simple fun of sharing them!  My point is that I just want you to KNOW without ANY reservations;  That I will not ever recommend something I have not already read, tried, or used myself and found it to be of value to me and my family.  I will not recommend companies that I think or feel have questionable practices.  Notice that I don't have google adds or something like that with random advertising on my blog.  I will only ever have advertisers of things I use myself and find are of value.  I'm always happy to give my opinion like if you have something your thinking about trying and you tell me about it.  If I have not tried it I will tell you but I will also read the ingredients etc. and tell you if I would even want to try it.   I just enjoy sharing my opinion and I want you to be confident that it will always be my honest, only influence by my own experience and gut feelings.   Not influenced by popular opinion or marketing.  I will also never be afraid to simply tell you I don't know about that or you need to do what your gut is telling you!  Alright just wanted to be sure you understand that.  It's an important thing to me.

Okay onto warts!
Yeah I know not the Tastiest subject. And sorry there are even pictures so those of you who are easily grossed out just skip this post and be sure you entered a comment for the giveaway here!

Those of you who are interested in a very easy pain free way of wart removal stick around and I will share this past months experience of removing warts off my son's knee!

Yep I know lovely huh!  I didn't actually take a before picture, I really didn't expect such dramatic results, I had to go looking for one.  Luckily my boys frequently have very big holes in the knees of their pants so it wasn't to hard to find one I could zoom in on his knee with.  Alright from what I have understood warts are a virus and/or a fungus and people with compromised immune systems tend to get them easier and have a harder time fighting them off.  This is the case with my son(the details of which I will share later)  and for some reason during the past year he has just been getting more and more of them.  These on his knee here were the worst and they were starting to get pretty annoying because he is a boy and likes to crawl around and they would crack and bleed and with shorts weather trying to get here I really wanted to be done with them.  So I got these essential oils!

I have told you a little bit before about Be Young essential oils.  I have been looking for a long time for really good essential oils.  I have always been interested in them but was distrusting of the dramatic differences in prices different companies had while all claiming to still be pure.  And just the marketing and money behind a lot of it.  Anyway I tried quite a few different brands and looked into and learned about the different companies and their owners.  Then like I always do I went with what my gut told me. I know really scientific, it drives a lot of people crazy! ;) In my opinion Be Young is the very BEST I have tried!  I have also learned so much and hope to learn lots more from Dana Young the founder and owner of the company.  He is amazing!  Anyway this is what I did.  I placed the Guardian blend directly on the warts then I taped on a cotton pad and soaked it with the Lemongrass.  I had him leave in on overnight.

The next morning his knee looked like this and felt pretty hot.  I was supposed just leave the bandage on and continue to put the lemongrass on until the warts were gone but I was a little concerned because of the color and how hot the knee was.  So I told Curt we would leave the bandage off and not put anymore oils on until we saw what was going to happen.  I also could see something was obviously going on so I took a picture so I would be able to reference it!

Well after about two weeks this is what happened.  His warts basically dried up and fell off.  There was one day when we got home from Church that he told me a wart had fallen off in his shoe.  I was like, "thanks for sharing son."  I know it's way gross but there wasn't any bleeding and very little scabbing.  And we only ever applied the oils that one time!

I took this picture of his knee this morning.  I think with a little coconut oil rubbed on them there will be very little if any scaring.  And guess what else?  Yesterday I asked him about the few warts on his other knee and his ankle that we didn't put oils on.  He went to show them to me and they are gone!  My guess is that we killed the virus and/or fungus and the others died and fell off too!  I'm still amazed and I think it's just another one of those things that reinforces me to continue to go with my gut! ;)


  1. Looks pretty interesting - I get them on my feet. Only thing is, you can't access the website without having an intermediary - know any way around that?

  2. Wow Tammie, thanks for sharing this post! I don't think I ever told you, but when I was Curt's age I had a ton of warts as well, and I definitely remember that trip to the doctor to have at least a dozen "burned" off. It was very painful, most of them came right back, and they all left scars. My sister even had a plaster made with some kind of acid on her feet for warts when she was young and couldn't walk for days! I've used almost every product at the store and most natural methods I hear of with not much use, I'm excited to see that this works! Especially exciting is that most products seem to do more damage to the surrounding tissues than they do to the warts, so it's even more awesome to find a natural remedy that doesn't do that. You're amazing!

  3. Pica Maloria: I think I fixed that now. Let me know if you still have troubles.

  4. I have heard that they are a virus. I have also heard that because it is a virus there is a main wart and if you kill that one then they will all go away without extra treatments. We use essential oils for colds and things on a cotton ball next to our bed. Colds are so short lived at our house because we never take an OTC.

  5. My daughter has a wart on her foot that we need to get rid of. Is the Guardian/lemongrass combo the way to go for all warts? How did you come up with your treatment plan?
    thanks! -Carol

  6. Carol: If it were me and it was just one wart I would probably just give the lemongrass a try first. I know that's all my husband put on a wart he had. But his did take longer too. I was amazed how fast this worked. Dana Young the founder of Be Young has written an essential oils desk reference that he sells that had the info about the oils and warts in it.

  7. It works now, thank you very much. :)

  8. I was curious about the education aspect of Be Young because there is no information on their website about using their oils. Where is the desk reference available or how did you learn about using essential oils? -Carol

  9. CONGRATS On winning the Mountain Rose Recipe Contest!

  10. Carol: On the Be Young site if you go into Products and then Tools you will find the Desk Refernce there are also a couple of DVD's that have lots of good info on them. I have also been to a number of Dana Young's classes! He also does a weekly conference call that I usually listen to after the fact. He is a wealth of knowledge and if you ever get a chance to learn from him be sure to take it!

  11. Great information! I'll be sure to make a note of it for future reference.

  12. What about planters warts, have you tried it on those? I currently suffer from some on my little toe and they stink and I've even gone to several doctors for treatments that never worked. Thanks for your time, I am extremely interested.

  13. Shuffy: I'm not sure about planter warts but it wouldn't hurt anything to try. I will have to look into it. It seems I read once about soaking feet in Dr. Christopher's Calc-tea helps with planter warts. I will have to look into that too. In the meantime you could try googling Dr. Christopher, planter warts, and calc-tea and see what you come up with.

  14. Tammie, I'm just starting to explore your blog and I'm really impressed. My sister-in-law has a healthy eating blog as well and I sent her the link to your blog.

    I have heard good things about Be Young essential oils. I recently discovered doTerra essential oils and I love them!! I could totally tell a difference between the brand I was using before and doTerra. I have tried oregano oil on a plantar wart on the bottom of my foot, but I'm not very good at remembering to reapply, so it has improved but not gone away. I recently bought some Lemongrass and I'm totally excited to try your method and blend to see what happens.

  15. MamaBug: Let me know how it goes! I would love to know if you have the same dramatic results with the doTerra. I have tried some and really liked a few of their blends but for the most part just really trust Be Young's E.O.B.B.D (essential oils botanically and biochemically defined) process. I think they are the only ones in the U.S. who use those strict standards.

    I also really have grown to trust the founder of the company. He's the real deal! He doesn't just talk about the how well oils work but he teaches the health principles I try to teach here on my blog. I believe it is the foundation of true health.

    Anyway again let me know. I will be very excited to hear that their oils are as pure as they say they are. Because lots of people are using them! When looking into them I was a little hesitant because most of the heads of the company have marketing degrees. But as long as their standards always remain high it is probably a good thing.

  16. Hi,

    I am new to the site. I am LDS too and feeling the need to match my family's diet more to that of the word of wisdom. I am loving all you have to say. Thank you for taking the time.

    I stumbled on this posting and have a question. My daughter has a fungus that she got on her toe after loosing a nail there (when the nail grew back it came with fungus)...and I can't get it to leave using the cream the Dr. suggested, and digging and cutting at it...seems to not be working well (as they suggested). I've done there suggestion for 8 months and I am done.

    Do you have any suggestions?

    Thank you,


  17. Tamara: I have talked to people who have said that Lemongrass, Lemon, and Tea Tree work good for Rubbing on toenail fungus. I have wondered if the Guardian wouldn't work really well for that too.

  18. Tamara,
    My mother-in-law had a fungus on her fingernail that would not go away, even with all the stuff the Dr. gave her. She had it for months. I gave her Melaleuca (Tea Tree) oil and it was completely gone within a week.


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