Tuesday, August 17, 2010

All American Apple Pie Filling

I'm so excited to share this recipe with you!!  I tried it last year and bottled it!  All year it has been so fun to have homemade apple pie filling whenever we needed some.  And I haven't had to worry if it had good ingredients!  I will be making this every year to put on my food storage shelves.  And with apple season quickly approaching I of course just had to share! 

I even used it to make my Mom's homemade Apple Crisp (healthified of course)it was a hit last year at Thanksgiving.  This summer with travels, camping and visiting family I have even come up with a quick and easy way to mix it so it's easy to travel with and makes us quickly, easily, fresh and warm!  Comfort Food at it's best!

I call it All American because it truly is!  The apples I used last year actually came from Grandpa's apple trees in his back yard.  We planted a tree a 4 years ago and we have a few apples on our tree this year we are so excited!  I tell ya, you just can't beat homemade like this.  Your family can't help but be healthier with just all the love put into it!  Also to help with more homemade ideas I'm linking up with Raising Homemakers, go check them out for lot more homemade and homemaking ideas!

Simple, Healthy, and Taaaaaasty!

All American Apple Pie Filling

18-20 cups thinly sliced apples
3 Tablespoons lemon juice
4 cups Sucanat or 2 cups Honey (may add more or less depending on sweetness of apples)
2 heaping teaspoons ground cinnamon
1 teaspoon Real Salt
1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg
8-10 cups water

In a large bowl toss apples with lemon juice and set aside.
Pour water into a large pot on stove over medium heat.  Combine Sucanat, Arrowroot, cinnamon, salt and nutmeg.  Add to water, stir well and bring to a boil.  Boil for 2 minutes stirring constantly.  Remove from heat.  In about 6-8 sterilized quart canning jars, place filling in about 1/4 of the way up then fill the jars with the apples pressing down a little if needed be sure apples are coated with filling.  You can add a little of the filling to the top if needed.  Place lids on, can shake to coat well.  Water bath can them for about 20 minutes. 

Just in case some of you were wondering this is how I get my apples in perfect very nice thin slices.  It is great to have!  It's an apple, peeler, corer, slicer and I love it!  You can choose to peel or not.  When I make dried apples in my dehydrator I use this but don't peel them.  It makes perfect dried apples that also store well so we have apples to munch on when all our fresh ones are gone.  They are better then candy especially when you add a little Sucanat and Cinnamon!  Anyway the right tool makes my job much easier!  For making things with apples I wouldn't be without this tool!  (Notice that I place these favorite things and books I recommend in the nice little widget to YOUR right.  So they are easy for you to find.  REMEMBER I only recommend what I love and use myself and that has had value for me and my family!)


  1. This looks awesome, thanks for sharing! I can't wait to see your recipe for Apple Crisp. I've got a really yummy, but not so healthy recipe for zucchini cobbler, so I'm hoping the crisp recipe will work with that. :)

  2. Did you use honey or sucanat?

  3. Ann: I made a batch with both. Both are good but I think I like the brown sugar flavor of the Sucanat best for the apple pie filling.

  4. If I just want to make the apple crisp without canning by how much should I decrease the recipe amounts (4th it or more?)?


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