Friday, September 3, 2010


Update September 2010:  I noticed that Green Smoothie Girl  sells this blender for less then the manufacturer does. (Just go to her store and then click on blenders on the sidebar.  I noticed too that she includes the digital down load of her 12 Steps to Whole Foods book free with it!  I also have this and it's GREAT!)  AND I see she also sells the blender with the bigger container (more about that here)  I love my bigger container and use it the most!  If they had been selling the blender with the bigger container when I first got mine that is the one I would have got.  It makes me a quart and each of my four kids a pint of green smoothie in ONE batch!  I have just had a lot of people asking me about it just thought I would share it with all of you!!!!  

Of all my more expensive type kitchen tools this is BY FAR the one I use the most!  For those of you starting out and wondering which tool will be of the most value to you; I know this one sure is for me. It gets used EVERY SINGLE DAY!  I plan to share some of my other favorites with you soon!  I only have just a few of the expensive kind but they do make life in the kitchen much more Simple, Healthy, and Tasty!  But if I had to save up and/or could only afford one for right now a BlendTec would be it!

It's only been the past year or so that I have had a nice blender! So I know that you can still eat healthy and make great things using a regular inexpensive blender! So please don't think that if you don't have one of these machines that you can't be a healthy creative cook! I did however burn up and/or break two regular blenders and was working on my third one when I decided this would be a good investment.

I have had a lot of people ask me what blender I use. Well most people I knew had a Vita-mix and it is a great machine but when I started looking at machines to buy I came across the Blend-Tec and wondered if I wouldn't like it better! I had used the Vita-mix quite a bit and knew the things I did and did not like about it. Both machines are very comparable. Here is a chart you can look at if you like the nitty gritty facts. Like I said pretty comparable.

These are the Simple reasons I chose to get the Blend-Tec. Both containers are the same volume but the Bled-Tec's is wider and shorter so it will fit under your cupboards and it is easier to clean stuff out from the bottom and you don't get messy up to your elbows;) I like that you can push the different setting buttons and it goes through the cycle of speeding up and slowing down without me having to change the speeds! But I also have the manual change speed option if I need it. I like it's wide blade that it pulls stuff down really well and you don't need the messy tamper thing! Again both are great machines with great reputations but those are just some of the reasons I chose to get the Bled-Tec! I use it ALL the time! It has made Healthy eating that much more Simple! If you are wanting to buy an expensive kitchen tool to help with eating Simple, Healthy, Tasty. A blender is definitely the place I would start! Just for fun check out


  1. I am still wondering whether I will decide to get a Blendtec when my Vitamix bites it. I will have to come and try yours for a few times before I can decide for sure. at any rate, the are great machines, and I use mine mucho. Love ya, Mom

  2. I am definitely going to get a blend-tec thanks to you. Now we just have to make ourselves spend the money. OUCH! My kids love Will It Blend. Thanks for the link!

  3. I am still waiting on our Kitchen Aid Blender to die... I love that the Blend Tec fits under the counter. I saw a demo of the Vita Mix and yes it's a cool blender but it's too tall.
    By the way, we made your deodorant recipe and both my hubby and I like it. It works great and smells so good. Have you tried the lotion bars? They are wonderful too and similar ingredients to the deodorant.

  4. Courtney: Hopefully your Kitchen Aid will last a long time. I went about 5 or 6 years usuing cheaper blenders but none of them were Kitchen Aid maybe it's not a "cheaper blender" ;)

    It's great to hear that others find the deodorant works. I'm still amazed that I don't stink! I love it! I have not yet tried the lotion bars but I totally plan too soon! Thanks for sharing!

  5. My husband found a BlendTec for sale on CL this summer. It was HALF of the regular price. The guy selling it had bought it a year before, used it less than 10x (as we could verify from the number of logged units), was moving to CA, and didn't want to take it with him. We LOVE it! In just a few days we had doubled the usage amount.

  6. I am in the middle of debating which blender to purchase.
    The problem is, it looks to me like neither one comes apart for a thorough cleaning. And on a regular blender there is a rubber gasket that gunk gets stuck under no matter how much soapy water you blend. How does the construction differ on these? Does it really clean up thoroughly? Or only good enough for non-obsessed with germs people?


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